Enjoy this steady

coffee from Wucheru, Nensebo.

Special Partner, Single Farm
lot SS-24022

This is a special partner lot grown by a farmer called Kasim, he’s a very young farmer based in Nensebo in West Arsi. More specifically this is from the Woreda called Wucheru, a very high altitude area that is well known for good quality coffee.

A beautiful classic one

Kasim is a good friend and a really nice person, he’s young all though to be honest we’re not sure how old he is, he isn’t sure either! He grew up in a huge family, one of twenty siblings, his father was a farmer as well. The family farm was struggling and Kasim got a chance to study in Addis but after doing that he went back and decided to go back to the farm. He’s doing an amazing job but is a very humble guy, last year rather than buying his cherries we helped him with some training in processing his own lots as naturals. This year is the first year that he processed his own cherries into a natural lot, which came with some challenges.
We’re so impressed with how he did it and how he’s developed, not only the quality of the coffee is really good but also he included his family and his community into the processing. This is really the kind of story we want to be able to tell more, we helped him build raised beds and showed him how to process cherries with good air flow and intermittent drying, and he not only implemented those things but also passed that knowledge and that skill on to the rest of his family and community.

Lot details

Farm: Kasim Kedir

Varietal: Enat Buna Wucheru

Altitude: 1860-1920 masl

Harvest: November-December ’23

Processing: Natural


GPS: 6.690724, 39.214399

Farmers: Kasim Kedir & family members

Farm team: Kasim and his family

Processing masters: Kasim 

Impact so much greater with partners

Kasim is a kind of pass it on guy and we like that because not all of our coffee should come from our own farm and our impact is so much greater with special partners like Kasim. 

Read more about our approach..

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